We are exited to announce the integration of extra services to our bot´s mini application!
Check out the new
tab for
Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-13 um 14
  • Customization
    - Personalize the bot to your needs. You can adjust its name, logo, text and graphics. A customized bot also includes all future premium features and a shoutout from our main accounts. Use the new web configurator to adjust your bot to your liking and directly order it through Radom Payment. Try our new Raid Bot Configurator!
  • Advertising
    - Boost your brands visibility by advertising within our free RaidSharksBot. The bot is used in approx. 4000 groups with a total member count of 1.9 million Users and it is capable of showing animated banners. Advertising within RaidSharksbot is very cost-effective and also comes with valuable data including live performance tracking. Advertise now!